Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For example, antibiotics may kill one type...

Alternative definition names aerobic bacteria, blood culture for

The purpose of blood cultures to confirm infectious organisms that live in human blood. One of several different types of blood culture tests organisms called aerobic bacteria. Bacteria are tiny organisms that can live both in humans and the environment. Aerobic type of bacteria can live and thrive only where there is oxygen. Some aerobic bacteria cause disease, while others can not imagine the problems for humans and can be useful. Even ordinary bacteria, however, can become harmful if certain conditions allow them to:

Who is a candidate for a test? It is done most often with very young or old people or those who have weakened immune systems. However, it can be used at any time a person has a serious infection. This is because most severe infections, especially of the lungs or kidneys, can spread to the blood. increased heart rate, known as

or without other symptoms often arise from the initial site of strattera cost infection. For example, a person with pulmonary infection may be a cough. As the test performed? Samples of blood for this test is usually taken from a vein in the forearm or back of your hand. Samples may be taken from two different places to increase the likelihood of detection of bacteria in the blood. Testing two sites also helps to eliminate contamination of bacteria from the skin test or from another source. Two or more blood samples can be collected from each such places as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria can be detected. Anaerobic bacteria can live and thrive without oxygen, and some may even die when exposed to oxygen. The first group is connected around the arm to slow the circulation. This expands the veins below. Puncture selected and purified. Then the needle is inserted into a vein. The blood is collected and placed in a special bottle that contains nutrients that help bacteria grow. The needle is removed from the hands of man, and a bottle sent to a lab. Bandage is put on the puncture site to stop any bleeding. In the laboratory, the vial is held at a certain temperature and watched or bacteria grow. It takes 24 to 72 hours or longer for aerobic bacteria to grow. If bacteria grow in the lab can identify them by using special tests. What is involved in preparing for the test? No training required for this test. What test results mean? The blood usually contains no bacteria. If bacteria are detected by this test, the result is abnormal. This is called a positive test or positive culture of blood. A positive test usually means one of two things:

individual bacteria in his blood, a condition known as sepsis. Bacteria can also enter the bloodstream through open wounds, using intravenous drugs, or artificial device inserted into the blood. In most people, infection started in another part of the body such as lungs or kidneys. Sometimes, the blood was infected by bacteria that live on the skin. As the needle is inserted through the skin to collect blood, bacteria from the skin can get to the needle. To avoid this problem, the skin is cleaned before inserting the needle. Bacteria that cause pollution are often different from the bacteria that cause serious infection in the blood. If a person has a positive test from contamination, no treatment is needed. If a person has bacteria in his blood, antibiotic treatment is needed. This test allows the bacteria that cause infection be identified and treated. For example, antibiotics may kill one type of bacteria and to be totally ineffective against another type. Staphylococcus, known as "staphylococcus" for brevity >> << In some cases a person may be infected blood, but still test negative. This can happen because the blood is intermittently "showered" with bacteria from another source of infection in the body. Repeated blood culture may succeed in "catch" bacteria. .

good bad bacteria

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